To be a writer, one needs to spend quite a bit of time alone. My introverted self is in heaven. The other side of me, the theatrical, need-for-applause side, demands I share ideas, read aloud, broadcast my thoughts…
Noah Hrbek, the illustrator of Lost But Found, has been the perfect pARTner. Besides being wildly creative, he is a devoted dad and uncle. He can tap into his exuberant, child-like innocence, tempered with the vagrancies of life, and create spot-on, touching, memorable images.
"Before I could even walk or talk, I wanted to express myself through art. That interest has grown exponentially through the years, and continues to lead me to a wide variety of artistic opportunities and experiences. This has included the theater arts, music, video, painting, sculpting, graphic design, and more recently, illustration. Creating drawings for this book has been a project that is particularly close to my heart, not only because I myself am a father, but because Lauren’s son has been my closest friend, quite literally, since he and I were both infants."
-Noah Hrbek, Illustrator
“My name is Lydia. I am 8 years old and I love to draw and I also love music, nature, and my family. I also definitely LOVE animals!”
-Lydia Rose Whitehouse
Noah’s Daughter, Illustrator